“Every problem has a solution”
You should be able to
use symbols to represent numbers, operations, variables and relations;
Symbolic representation.
translate statements expressed algebraically into verbal phrases;
perform arithmetic operations involving directed numbers;
perform the four basic operations with algebraic expressions;
substitute numbers for algebraic symbols in simple algebraic expressions;
perform binary operations (other than the four basic ones);
apply the distributive law to factorize or expand algebraic expressions;
For example, x(a+b) = xa+xb and (a+b)(x+y) = (a+b)x + (a+b)y = ax+bx+ay+by.
simplify algebraic fractions;
use the laws of indices to manipulate expressions with integral indices;
solve linear equations in one unknown;
solve simultaneous linear equations, in two unknowns, algebraically;
solve a simple linear inequality in one unknown;
change the subject of formulae;
Including those involving roots and powers.
factorize algebraic expressions;
solve quadratic equations;
solve a pair of equations in two variables when one equation is quadratic or non-linear and the other linear;
prove two algebraic expressions to be identical;
represent direct and indirect variation symbolically;
solve problems involving direct variation and inverse variation.

a quadratic

Solving a quadratic by factorization

Solving a quadratic by use of the quadratic formula
Laws of Indices