“Every problem has a solution”

You should be able to
explain concepts associated with vectors;
Concept of a vector, magnitude, direction, line segment, scalar.
combine vectors;
Triangle law, or parallelogram laws 2x1 Column matrices,
express a point P(a,b) as a position vector
where O is the origin (0, 0)
Displacement and position vectors; co-ordinates.
determine the magnitude of a vector;
Including unit vectors.
use vectors to solve problems in Geometry;
Collinearity, parallel.
explain concepts associated with matrices;
Concept of a matrix, row, column, order, types of matrices, practical use.
perform addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices and multiplication of matrices by a scalar;
Non-commutativity of matrix multiplication.
evaluate the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix;
solve problems involving a 2 x 2 singular matrix;
obtain the inverse of a non-singular „2 x 2‟ matrix;
Determinant and adjoint of a matrix.
determine a „2 x 2‟ matrix representation of the single transformation which is equivalent to the composition of two linear transformations in a plane (where the origin remains fixed);